Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just a vent have to get it out!

Well christmas and New Years are over and Chris missed them all. This job he has takes way to much away from the family. I honestly cant tell you the last full day he had with ALL of us. He get 1 day off a week and its on a Mon or Tue so that means the older kids are at school and I really think it is hurting them in every way. Alyssa came home with a 70 on her report card! That is crazy, the girls always make good grades. The reason why I think it because of Chris is they only talk about when is the next time Daddy will be off can we go see him at work? blah blah and on and on. Georgia is a little more open about her feelings and will just bluntly tell me and him that its not fair she never sees him and it makes her think he doesnt want to be around. Alyssa, will hold everything inside until she cracks and blows up, like she did after our seperation. Even though we worked everything out and have been back together for 4 years I think Alyssa and I are not completely healed but she would never tell anyone, thats just who she is. Well, thats my vent and I just want Chris to see that he now has lost an entire year of holidays and it cant be given back which is sad since it was Logans 1st.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas pics

Being a SAHM of 4 is a handful. Some days I don't think I will make it but I wouldn't trade it for the world! Here are some of the Christmas pics we had taken, his is Logan's 1st Christmas so its very special for Chris and I this year. This will be the last "babies first Christmas" we will ever have. It makes me sad but I certainly do not need or handle any more kids.